UNITSOFT Warehouse Management System (WMS)

integrated with the Odoo ERP system, offers comprehensive business solutions for warehouse operations management!

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Main functions and features of UNITSOFT WMS:

Inventory accounting and monitoring

Automated stock replenishment

Counterparty order management

Automatic warehouse task generation

Integration with equipment and external systems

Working with data collection terminals (TSD)

Warehouse personnel management

• Our video •

Find out how Unitsoft WMS can optimize your warehouse operations! Watch the video to see how the system automates processes, increases accounting accuracy, and reduces costs. Discover modern warehouse management solutions with Unitsoft WMS!

Inventory accounting and monitoring

UNITSOFT WMS allows tracking of product stocks in real-time, controlling expiration dates, batches, and serial numbers. The system supports address-based accounting for complex warehouse topologies, storing goods in numbered containers (packages), and conducting inventory in storage locations without stopping other operations.

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Inventory results can be automatically transmitted to the corporate information system, ensuring data accuracy and improving overall inventory management efficiency as well as real-time stock tracking.

Counterparty order management

UNITSOFT WMS provides flexible management and tracking of supplier orders and customer orders, handling backorders and returns. The system allows grouping customer orders into delivery routes and tracking loading and delivery processes.

Automatic warehouse task generation

UNITSOFT WMS can automatically generate task chains for moving goods based on specified inventory management methods and warehouse operation routes.

Automated stock replenishment

UNITSOFT WMS generates purchase or transfer orders when the minimum stock level is reached (min-max method) with supplier integration. The system provides monitoring and control of replenishments, tracks document status, and notifies about the need for stock replenishment and order status.

Working with data collection terminals (TSD)

UNITSOFT WMS has a separate TSD interface that allows performing all warehouse operations using these devices. Using TSD with barcode scanners (QR codes) accelerates the processes of receiving and placing goods, order assembly, and product shipment, reducing the time for processing each operation and preventing errors.

Integration with equipment and external systems

UNITSOFT WMS allows easy connection and use of modern equipment for warehouse accounting automation (barcode and QR code scanners, stationary and mobile printers, etc.). Thanks to the flexible architecture of Odoo, the system allows integration of other Odoo modules (free and paid), enabling rapid expansion of its functional capabilities depending on the Customer's needs.

Warehouse personnel management

Warehouse personnel management using UNITSOFT WMS allows increasing work efficiency, reducing costs, and improving result quality.

The system provides personalization and tracking of employee operations, as well as allows analyzing the volume of completed work.

General benefits of using UNITSOFT WMS

  1. Increased accuracy
  2. Operational efficiency
  3. Inventory optimization
  4. Transparency and control
  5. Cost reduction
  6. Integration with other modules
  7. Flexibility and adaptability
  8. Improving supplier interaction
  9. User-friendly interface
  10. Improving customer service


suitable for enterprises of any size!


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